

Monday May 2nd, 2011

Ok this is my first blog on here in wow I don't even know when. So bad!

But I wanted to share my I guess you can say revelation (hope I am using it in the right context). Monday I had a case of Deja Vu. Which happens to everyone right! But technically it wasn't Deja Vu because I had seen it in a dream. A dream that I actually remember having and wondering why did I have that? And if you are like me and know that dreams mean things but do not really pay attention. Well I had this dream and then I had the same vision in real life like I was living my dream. I don't know if that came out how I wanted it to. But I thought about it I kind of paused in my tracks for a couple of minutes and thought! I said self, God knew his plans for your life before you did! I was like You knew I was going to be here be here before I did. God you placed my life in the right places at the right time in the right order. Just when I for sure and would have argued tooth and nail that my life is chaotic and I didnt not know if I was going left or right You brought sense and stability back into it. Don't under estimate the little things God throws in your path for you to know that He is there and has His hands and eyes on you! :D

That's hope for the day for the year!

Faith, Hope, and Love <3

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