

The Karate Kid

Ok so it was definitely the best movie I have seen in awhile. I really really liked it that little Smith is so cute and a really good actor. It has been so long since I have been to the movies I think The Book of Eli was the last one which is also a really really great movie. I like the movie theater I just hate the movie theater price. But anyways definitely glad I got to hang out with Jas and Tiffany super cool, maybe the summer won't be such a bummer after all. Life is really what you make it. Life gives you curve balls and knocks you down but it is up to you to get back up and not stay down. If nobody knows I have been going through drastic changes since Thanksgiving of last year. Things that just hurt and can really knock you down but I don't want them to keep me down ever. I can't let one person pull me down I have to get up and do what I need to do. So there is my wisdom for tonight just needed to get some stuff off my mind before bed. Faith, Hope, and Love


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